Are you a touring professional that works in the EU which after Brexit will present problems with visas / work permits /carnets?
We need your help! As you may know we are blogging bits and pieces about our ongoing Carry On Touring campaign which is the campaign formed around the petition ‘Seek Europe-wide Visa-free work permit for Touring professionals and Artists’
What we would like to do is get some articles from different sectors of the creative industries on how the issues surrounding working in the EU after Brexit will affect you.
As well as those working in music touring, it would be great to get other touring professionals to contribute, including touring dancers and performers, comedians, film and tv production teams, journalists, orchestras, anyone that needs to travel through the EU as part of their work.
We realise this all hypothetical at the moment because of the pandemic, but that’s not going to last forever, whereas the after Brexit touring issue doesn’t look like it going to be sorted very soon. Although it’s not a blame game or government bashing exercise.
We are looking for a 2 – 3 page or less piece describing what you envisage being an issue to your sector, if you want to summarise how you see a workaround or solution, that would be good too.
We’re trying to put a ‘this is happening to Real People’ slant onto the campaign.
Articles will be shared publicly via twitter and social media under the “Carry on Touring – Real People, Real Lives, Real Jobs” Banner.
If you want to include a picture of yourself or something related that’s great or you can of course do it anonymously.
The intention is to publish them on the blog for now until we get a website together, and then try and get them into the press and keep the issue in the mainstream.
If you are up for that then drop me a DM on twitter, and we’re give you an email to send them to.